Listings in Retail and Hygienically Clean Certified near Haverhill, Massachusetts

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Century Linen & Uniform

Clean Green CertifiedFood and BeverageHealthcareHygienically CleanHygienically Clean CertifiedJanitorialMat & Dust ControlTRSA Member Directory

On the lookout for linen service in Somerville, MA? It isn’t easy finding a provider worth your time and money but that’s no reason to give up the search! There’s a company out there that is the perfect solution for all your linen needs.


30 Innerbelt Rd
Somerville, Massachusetts 02143
United States


Phone: View Phone (800) 721-7648

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Metropolitan Uniform and Linen

Food and BeverageLinen DistributorsMat & Dust ControlRetail

We are a primary service provider to hospitality and commercial companies throughout New England. We are proud to say even with our rapid growth and success we have continued to keep a close, personal relationship with each and every customer.


105 Ward Hill Ave
Haverhill, Massachusetts 01835
United States


Phone: View Phone 617-381-1156
