Century Linen & Uniform
Clean Green CertifiedFood and BeverageHealthcareHygienically Clean HealthcareJanitorialTRSA Member Directory
Century Linen & Uniform empowers your team with powerful technology to get the job done. You can trust in Century Linen & Uniform to provide consistent, reliable, and affordable linen, uniform, textile and facility services.
542 N. Perry St
Johnstown, New York
United States

Century Linen & Uniform
Clean Green CertifiedFood and BeverageHealthcareHygienically CleanHygienically Clean CertifiedJanitorialMat & Dust ControlTRSA Member Directory
On the lookout for linen service in Johnstown, NY? It isn’t easy finding a provider worth your time and money but that’s no reason to give up the search! There’s a company out there that is the perfect solution for all your linen needs.
125 Belzano Dr
Johnstown, New York
United States